Did You Know how much you value yourself deep inside on a very personal level and how much you earn are deeply connected?
Ask yourself if you…
- struggle to make ends meet?
- just ‘get by’ with nothing to spare?
- think you have to work really hard?
- are maybe even outwardly successful yet still don’t take home enough?
…are THRIVING or merely SURVIVING?
And does this happen every month like a broken record repeating a pattern of not enough?
If you are not earning enough you are probably getting a hit of panic and fear bubbling below the surface every single month when you know it’s time to balance the bills.
And being in a constant low-level stress response state can have a negative effect on you emotionally, physically, and can even create barriers in your relationships.
The worry and fear over not enough can actually help keep you in that state as you simply can’t see with clarity what to do about it because when we are in fight or flight, the stress response meant to keep us alive back in the day, we can’t think clearly, survival is our main concern and so our cognitive powers narrow.
I want to break that cycle and the piece I’m most drawn to is helping women feel they are completely enough so that they believe in themselves so powerfully they can’t help but be visible and earn well.
I know that if you are not thriving as you’d like to then the secret to unlocking your income and allowing more money to flow freely in your life lies in looking at your belief in your self-worth and in the value of what you offer.
If your inner belief in your value is low then you will either struggle to earn well or have to work really hard for it and any possibility of higher earning will mean you think you have to work even harder…
…and this belief in your value happens at a deeply subconscious level.
Most of us spend our whole lives not knowing why we can’t get ahead or why we have to work ourselves to the bone.
Looking at your income can be incredibly revealing.
So what is income?
It is the money you earn. It is the flow of money you receive in exchange for your work, that is, your time and energy.
If you think about it, income is deeply connected to survival, or how we perceive our ability to survive independently and…
…it represents how much you truly value yourself or think you are worth.
So it is an energetic and physical metaphor for how much you, probably subconsciously, actually really believe that all the time, energy, education, and experience you have is worth.
And there it is every month staring you in the face in pounds and pence.
And that is painful.
A pain that rolls on month after month.
Income is money, and money is a kind of energy like everything else in this universe, received for what you give or offer and you only allow it in based on how much you really believe you are worth.
And it goes deeper than that as well.
Society as a whole is trapped in this idea that there is not enough.
That there is not enough food, water, love, money, time, sleep, ability, clients. You name it.
But the worst and most crippling feeling when it comes to confidently earning your worth, is this believe hiding deep inside, this belief that what you do, or offer, or just simply are, is not good enough.
Income will show you that kind of hidden inner block very clearly if you choose to look. And you won’t able to raise your income unless you increase your belief in your value just as you are, your belief in your complete enough-ness and deserving.
Your story is unique and only you can cut though the weeds and overgrown, tenacious old stories to clear the path of all those limiting beliefs clogging up your route to success.
I say it a lot; your relationship with money is the longest relationship you will have in your life and you deserve to have good one.
When you get in touch with your money story and change your mindset from the inside out you clear up an enormous amount of stuck energy that has been acting like a dark cloud over your business and your life…
…AND you can use that renewed lighter energy to move your business forward in ways you didn’t know were possible.
So if you know you are ready to take the first step to believing from the inside out that who you are and what you offer are valuable and totally enough and…
…you would like my help with that then I invite you to book a call with me using this link HERE, so you can book in a call into my calendar.”
I look forward to diving deep with you!