Tapping away Overwhelm, Limiting beliefs, Hidden blocks, Fears & Anxiety using EFT
EFT is becoming ever more popular as a stress management tool because it works so well. More and more people are using it to reduce the worries, fears and anxieties of modern life.
I’m passionate about helping overworked, stress out, anxious, busy women, mothers and entrepreneurs to Overcome Overwhelm so they can come back to what is important for them and CREATE real emotional freedom in their Life and Business.
So what is EFT tapping?
EFT or tapping is an acupressure based mind-body approach that is clinically proven to shut down the fight, flight or freeze response ( the stress response), in the body.
Anxiety, as you know, triggers that stress response in the body. Even thinking about stressful situations can trigger ‘fight or flight’.
In EFT we tap on a few specific points on the body while referencing the situation or thing that is causing us to feel a certain way, such as overwhelmed.
The beauty of EFT is that as we tap we’re reducing the impact of the body’s natural stress response so it feels easier to ‘go there’.
You may not even know why or what is causing you to feel low or have pain and that’s OK. You don’t need to for EFT to work.
I always aim to help my clients reduce stress in the most gentle way I can. EFT can be profoundly effective as it gently helps your mind release worry and your body stand down and come out of the fight, flight or freeze response that is being triggered constantly these days.
I’d like to thank you for your input and let you know that my sleep has returned to normal in the last 3/4 months and I’ve never been more grateful for sleep in my life. EFT and our sessions together definitely helped me get through it and resolve some things so a real breakthrough, so thank you.
B O’Loughlin, Mother
What do I have to do?
If you haven’t tapped before it’s a good idea to bring along an open mind!
I use it so often now I no longer feel silly tapping on the points but I do remember feeling a bit daft at first and thinking this can’t possibly work. It so often does, in fact for me, I always experience some form of relief depending on how long I put in, that I no longer worry about what I look like doing it.
You can get you free mini-course Learn EFT Tapping: The ultimate guide to emotional freedom for overwhelmed, stressed & anxious women, mums & mumpreneurs here.
What does EFT treat?
You can give EFT a go on anything that is bothering you or getting in the way of you enjoying your life.
I specialise in helping women through periods of overwhelm, anxiety and stress so they can start to feel more connected to who they are, more solid and in control of their emotions and life in general AND feel able to smile again!
Do I need to come regularly to get any benefit?
EFT has gathered a lot of momentum and interest because it has had some startlingly quick results with pain and emotional break-through. These do happen and are referred to as one-minute wonders.
You might be one of those lucky people or you may need to work a little harder. I like to see real change so I generally work with clients over a period of 6 weeks.
6-weeks to empower your life (£475)
a bespoke journey with EFT where you can take the time you need to explore and lessen the stress around what’s causing you pain and return to a deeper, lighter sense of self. You can get back to your life, and feel ‘like you’ again.
- weekly 75 – 90 minutes calls
- calls are recorded for you to keep
- email access
- insights, aha moments and momentum
However, I can offer a one-off session if you feel that’s what you need. Your first session is always 75mins (£75).
The great and empowering thing about EFT is once you know the basic recipe then you can happily tap on your ‘stuff’ between sessions to speed the process along and get to aspects as they come up.
If that sounds like something you need and you would like to talk to me about working with me 1:1 then you can call, text or email me to arrange a quick clarity call HERE
Photo by Min An: https://www.pexels.com/photo/landscape-photography-of-rocks-with-moss-surrounded-by-body-of-water-724119/