COUNTER-INTUITIVE – ever feel as though your internal slave driver is herding you relentlessly on to make your dream work whatever the cost!!!
-LET me suggest something a little different.
Something which may seem counter-intuitive!
📣Listen up – You ready?
~GIVE yourself permission to QUIT.
~GIVE yourself permission to just walk away.
~Recognise that You don’t HAVE to do it.
Seriously. That’s just the truth. You can totally choose to quit and enjoy what you already have.
AND if you are struggling and overwhelmed and full of self doubt then you’re not really at choice!
The minute you fall into the trap of ‘I HAVE to do it’ then you have lost your power and you have become the SLAVE to your dream, slave to your goal, slave to your desired outcome.
…Just say I QUIT and breathe it in…
Do you feel lighter? Did you take your first deep breath in forever?
CREATING and GROWING a business is @~#&%$£ HARD.
It’s not said enough so I’m saying it now.
Creating and growing a business is not strolling up and down an idyllic beach making videos about how you too can have it all!
It takes work, blood sweat and tears kind of work (I know it’s not just me, I see it all the time with my clients too) and if you don’t step back and ALLOW yourself to choose it, or not, then you have given your power away.
…Take a breathe, say I QUIT, allow it in…
Enjoy the feeling of freedom and make your choice from there.
Look at your business from this perspective and THEN you can make an empowered choice.
THEN you can see more clearly what’s working and what isn’t.
THEN you get to choose your business all over again and reignite that spark, the LOVE, your BIG WHY.
When you know you always have a choice the load becomes lighter.
And it is perfectly OK to choose something different.
The happiness, joy and freedom you are seeking is available to you now.
If your business is the thing you think will get you there and it is causing you more pain than joy I encourage you to try this.
BE at choice.
This is your life we’re talking about.
There should be more laughter than tears.
Choose everyday and your path will be less bumpy.
❤️ DEE
If you know you choose your goal and you are fed up struggling with the overwhelm, self doubt and worry of never earning enough and finding the inner confidence needed to grow your business then I encourage you to text, call or email to arrange a free clarity call with me HERE