Modern day stress permeates every aspect of our lives and can leave us feeling as though we’re being pulled in all directions at once. The joy has completely gone out of life. It’s this lack of ability to cope which can often lead us to feel so helpless and unsure about how to move forward.
It’s not always the case that we are in a position to just walk away from the situation that is causing us the most stress, e.g. parenting & relationships, work challenges or money worries, and so we begin to experience symptoms such as:
- Aches and pains in our necks, backs, shoulders & hips
- Muscle tensions and headaches
- High levels of anxiety, panic attacks and low mood
- Low energy and lack of enthusiasm for life
- Feeling run down and not quite yourself
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Withdrawal from society
Figures vary but it’s safe to say that stress related illness is costing the UK billions in time off work and medical expenses so what is it anyway and what can you do to help yourself experience life in more balanced and calm way?
According to
Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may be motivating to someone else
Most of us these days don’t step outside and have to worry about a lion eyeing us up with a view to a light snack. Your primitive brain does not know that though and can’t distinguish the difference between a demanding boss over-stacking your work plate and the lion coming in for the kill.
Your rational brain is bypassed as you go into the survival mode called the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response. This ‘fight or flight’ response is triggered many times throughout the day causing a surge of stress hormones to be released to enable you to deal with demanding situations.
Often though we can end up staying in ‘fight or flight’ by either being repeatedly triggered or being unable to stop worrying and thinking about the things we find stressful. The stress hormones can’t return to normal levels and this is when we start to experience physical and emotional distress. Stress can cause major illness if not released.
So what can you do when things get on top of you?
I think it’s pretty clear that unless you are the type of person that thrives under pressure then it’s probably a good idea to learn some stress management tools. They won’t change the situation but they will help you stay calmer.
My top five stress busters are not new. You’ll have heard of most of them many times before, and for good reason. They really do help.
- Get some exercise! Anything you like as long as you’re moving. Combine it with fresh air – even better. Moving releases endorphins and serotonin – the happy hormones. It’s a no brainer. We’re built to move.
- Breathe – if you can pause and remember to take 3 deep breathes you will feel more in control. Take more time to do 5 minutes of breath work a day and your stress levels will likely reduce. You can try yoga or meditation. Or you can just sit for 5 minutes just breathing and listening to your breath.
- Have a massage or some other form of relaxation therapy. Touch is very calming. Shiatsu is great for getting deep into the nervous system and helping restore balance. (yes I’m biased here)
- Talk with friends – being and feeling isolated is lonely. Your friends love you and want to help. Once you get exercising you will feel more sociable again. You could combine the two if time is an issue.
- Try Emotional Freedom Technique – a simple technique to learn and you can DIY. If you haven’t heard of it there is information on my website. In the last 20 years it has proved to be very effective at calming the stress response so you can get on.
Most of all please know that it is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed. We all get that way from time to time. If you take one or more of the steps listed you will step back into the normal flow of life more easily and help your body to rejuvenate and feel well more often.
I am passionate about reducing stress and its resultant symptoms in the mind and body. Having been in the self-care industry for 10 years I see how much damage stress can do if we give it half a chance. I offer Shiatsu, EFT and Stress release coaching in the Craiglockhart area. Please do contact me if you’d like further information.
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Warm wishes