Phew- it’s the day before the school year ends and it’s hotter ‘n hell out there today (for us in Britain anyway!).
I LOVE feeling the heat sink into my bones even while hay fever makes me tired, itchy, wheezy and grouchy. I’m choosing to ignore the hay fever and focus on soaking up those vitamin D creating rays and imagining all my aches and pains burning away in the heat.
That is the story I’m choosing today. Sometimes my story is miserable with hay fever.
BUT not today!
Today I want to talk to you about stories.
We live our inner ‘stories’ daily.
The clothes we choose to wear, the food we choose to eat, the job we choose to do, how happy we are with how we look, how much money we earn and all the rest, are all based upon a lifetime of stories we have been told and have absorbed deeply into our subconscious AND,
continue to tell ourselves mostly at a subconscious level about who we are and what that person with that upbringing can be, have and do!
Now I’m not saying all our stories are bad or have a negative impact on our lives, far from it, BUT,
some do box us in and seriously restrict our growth and our life experience as we utter the most energy sapping of all comments…
… ‘that’s just the way I am/it is’.
Ah reality! The killer of dreams!
And with that we hand over our control to create our life experience to a limiting belief or set of beliefs we may not even know we have.
I watched Miracles, Faith or Fiction by Derren Brown on the mighty Netflix last night and he created a whole show around the stories we tell ourselves AND how amazing humankind is BECAUSE, put simply…
…we have the power to change our beliefs about what’s possible.
Our pliable brains can change a lifetime of ‘I COULD NEVER EVEN IMAGINE DOING THAT’ into ‘THIS IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE FOR ME’.
If you have Netflix I urge you to watch it and see people test the edges of what’s possible for them.
Our brains have a negativity bias which probably developed very early along the evolutionary path to keep us safe.
Safety first is the mantra of the brain.
We must help it along, so it can know we are safe in a given situation.
For example, if you find it really terrifying to give a talk then discovering and calming all the very good reasons you ‘know’ why you can’t do it is the way to create the new possibility for you.
The possibility of getting up there and giving a talk with ease!
And if you are a woman in business being able to change your mind about what is possible for you is crucial for your success.
You must believe in you if you are to ever know your value and earn your worth!
This time last year I didn’t think I could:
- hold EFT meetups by myself
- blog regularly
- do Facebook lives
- network without feeling sick
- create a webinar
- step up and give talks!
In fact, this time last year I was deep into burnout having struggled, with limited success, to do this all on my own.
All I was able to do at that point was see my clients and tap through my own limitations, using all my training to help free me from my emotional pain.
In January I made the decision to commit to me, my business, and my spiritual growth.
I took on two coaches having believed for a year that I couldn’t ‘afford’ to do this, that I’d done enough and now I should be able to do it on my own!
One for my inner world and one to help live my passion in the outer world!
Turns out the old saying ‘you can’t afford not to’ was true for me!
Let me ask you:
- What are you telling your self is ‘not possible’ for you right now?
- What is the downside of believing that?
- What is the upside of staying where you are? What do you get to keep by staying stuck? (think of a smoker keeping the social aspect of popping out for a fag with her pals – that kept me smoking for longer than I wanted!)
- And if it were possible for you, what would that look, sound and feel like?
Those four questions will help you immensely to get unstuck if you’re feeling ‘it’s’ not possible for you.
So give them some time and really answer them fully,
if you would like to test the edges of what’s possible for you even further so you can break through your income ceiling, then I encourage to watch my (wasn’t possible but turns out it is) Webinar:
In it you will learn why I believe now is the perfect time for Entrepreneurial Women to Bust through their Money Blocks so they can stop working HARD for no reward.
I’d love to ‘see’ you there!
Enjoy the sun!