Try this:
Write down the income you are earning doing the job you love.
Point at it and say…it’s NOT ENOUGH…it’s never enough.
If 10 is really true, how true does that feel?
…Now use EFT tapping on this statement —
—EVEN though my income is simply not enough, I accept myself anyway, then tap around the points –
it’s not enough…
I never earn enough,
and I feel anxious about that,
it’s not enough and that’s a worry,
it’s not enough.
Do a few rounds.
Do you feel any different about your income now?
Keep going until your number drops and it simply doesn’t feel as true anymore!
When the income you see it’s just a number, and it feels figure-outable then you know you’ve shifted the negative energy and now you can start to find ways to increase your income without the fear, panic and self doubt that comes from thinking about it!
If you don’t know the point then see my EFT tapping points video for clients here
What’s you’re BIGGEST TAKEAWAY from that brief exercise?
If you liked that and you want to discuss working with me to go deeper and really shift your money mindset then book in for a free Clarity Call with me HERE