A personal journey out of scarcity toward abundant self-worth.
I’m finding this blog difficult to write.
There is so much I want to say and feel so keenly yet when I sit to put pen to paper the well runs dry and I can’t reach the heart of the matter.
I know it, but I can’t voice it. I feel it, but I can’t touch it.
Even though my heart is filled with the rightness and steady knowing that it is beyond time for women to stand in their power and reclaim their worth.
I still find it hard to say out loud.
I’ve stifled that part of me out of embarrassment and fear for so long that now when I am ready to be open and express my truth, that voice is timid, shy, scared, like a little bird that flutters away if I get too close.
To say that women deserve to earn well I need to reveal that I have not.
That it has been my struggle for so long that I almost gave up on ever reaching the giddying heights of earning a living wage. Almost accepted that perhaps I was not cut out for life as an entrepreneur and that perhaps my gifts were not as valuable as I might wish. In the last few years I have simultaneously studied and worked towards my goal and given up on it several times. I’ve pushed myself to burnout and worked with ease and flow. I’ve asked myself over and over again if I can do it? I’ve tapped (EFT) like crazy when it was all I could do and every time I almost threw in the towel I picked myself up.
Why do this to myself? Why not accept that I have a good life and happy clients, leave it there and get on with living the good life I have?
Put simply, it’s not enough.
Because my 15 year old self is watching me from 1990 and she wants more for me. She knew she deserved better. She knows we deserve to feel safe and supported.
I know I deserve more.
Because I watched my Mom struggle with the same crap I have and she in turn watched her Mother live a boxed in life, so I have chosen to bear the torch for the next generation. This was a conscious choice and though I’ve wished to pass that torch on many times, I didn’t, because I didn’t really want to.
A rest maybe but not to give up entirely.
Because my son deserves to have a strong female role model in his life. Women not only deserve to rise and take their rightful place as equals in this world, our generations to come need us to. To light the way. To be a powerful example of how humanity can change given enough choice and momentum.
And because I don’t sing anymore, I lost my voice but now I’ve found her, she’s still shy but she must be heard my little bird.
And because I desire more.
I desire the dream.
From there I can be of service to humanity in a profound way. And more than anything that’s what my heart now yearns for. Cliché it may be and necessary it is. It lights me up to help other women reach their potential and step into their worth.
Money shows us how far we have come. Money is an energetic exchange that symbolises how well you value yourself.
How worthy you feel.
Of course I don’t believe that only women under-earn or struggle with lack of self worth, men struggle with this too. I do believe however that women find it harder, much harder, than men to ask for and earn their worth.
I’ve lived this and I know what it feels like intimately and deeply at a core level.
For years, most of my life really, I was so stuck in lack mentality that I despaired of ever earning anything approaching a living wage. My relationship with money was one of scarcity and fear to put it mildly.
My issues went deeper than the surface stuff and what’s happening out in the world. My inability to earn my worth was a mindset issue so painful and so deeply ingrained that I knew I didn’t need to look outside for answers, rather I needed to go on a journey inward.
I needed to take a personal approach.
It’s scary and thrilling in equal measures.
I’m not done by any stretch. I’m still emerging from my chrysalis.
I have set big goals for myself this year and I still need go deep into my blocks almost every day. Keep rooting them out and transmuting them into powerful transformed energy I can put back into my life.
Stepping up and doing so has moved me from believing I am not good enough, that I don’t deserve and that there simply isn’t enough for me to have more, to a place where I believe in myself, my work, my deserving and my natural abundance.
That I am good enough.
It can be a heady feeling and sometimes it’s difficult to hold onto.
Sometimes I can’t hold on.
But the times when I can, when I really feel the truth of my complete enough-ness just as I am, are the times when I gather my courage and take the big and little actions required to grow my business.
I feel it in my heart that all women DESERVE to know that they are good enough. It frustrates and saddens me to see so many women struggle to take home a decent wage no matter how far they have come, or how well their business is doing. I know what it feels like to struggle to be rewarded well for your hard work.
Women wonder what they are doing wrong?! What’s wrong with them?
They are not doing anything ‘wrong’, they are not ‘wrong’.
You are not doing anything wrong!’
You just don’t know at a cellular level yet that you are enough and that you deserve to have a wonderful, supportive relationship with your money.
I have made it part of my mission in life to help as many women as I can experience their worth…
I needed an approach that showed me that the world, the universe is simply not set up for lack…you need only walk in nature and watch her bloom to see the very real abundant nature of the world.
An abundance that includes all women and our right to earn well.
Feminine energy is receptive but often we’ve blocked our ability to receive true wealth because somewhere along the way we learned that we are not good enough. We learned this in so many ways and from a very young age.
Mindset work, in my case using EFT success coaching, has helped me root out these hidden inner blocks and beliefs and address them, atrophy them, and create new more empowering beliefs instead.
A willingness and dedication to do the work to shift and change that mindset makes all the difference to how you ask for and receive money.
All women deserve the security and safety and independence of money in the bank.
But this underlying issue, this turbo charged belief of ‘not enoughness’ is blocking your earning potential.
I believe wholeheartedly, that when enough of us explore our inner beliefs with curiosity and love and take steps to change our mindset we can help create a massive shift in consciousness that will change things for the better for us all.
My voice is getting stronger, my little bird is singing at the top of her voice. It is a clarion call to all women to claim their birthright, step into their power and confidently earn their worth!
Little Bird
Little voice so quiet and small
Hiding – gone – no breath to breathe
Beautiful voice so clear and bright
Lost – denied – no breath for flight
Little voice taps at the world
Brave – fearful – on trembling wing
Powerful voice so clear and bold
Steady now takes wing for flight
Breathing deep and breathing strong
Opens to her powerful song
Little bird so brave so strong
Soaring high on wings of song
If you’d like to change your money mindset and you’re more than ready to release the old story the you can book you Deep Dive Session HERE
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